Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 1 Training Plan

So this week I will start mapping out a training log for those interested in following my tips and advice on running at Marist College. I will outline a seven day training regime this week with a goal of encompassing four weeks of training. Also it was mentioned in class today that I should gear this training plan towards a final race towards the end of November sometime around Thanksgiving where there are a plethora of road races during that time of year. I think that this could be a very beneficial idea for people interested in competing in a Turkey Trot during Thanksgiving. This will be a beginning runner training regime so don’t think I am going to be assigning ridiculous workouts; it will be based on someone doing their first 5k.

The first week of training will be very straight forward and not too complicated. It will consist of straightforward road running and cross training to get your body geared towards the workload of running.

Monday: First day of real training for a competitive race in a month. Go out and do an easy 2-3 miles to get your legs moving and ready to go for the upcoming days/weeks. My advice, head out and do the Campus Mile route with a little add on towards the end. This run is very short and simple with no hills so it will help your legs get acclimated to the roads.

Tuesday: Today I would recommend getting a solid 3 miles in at a slighter faster pace than yesterday’s run. This run is designed to stimulate the body a little more than yesterday’s run and get you accumulated to running faster.

Wednesday: Rest no running required for this day.

Thursday: Today will be somewhat of a tempo run. For those unfamiliar with a tempo run it consists of hard (but relaxed) pace for an extended period of time. The point is to be a challenging running pace but something that you could continue to run at even after stopping. For this tempo I would recommend getting five good minutes of warm up running before starting to ensure your muscles are warm and ready to go. The workout will consist five minutes of hard running followed by five minutes of easy running and another five minutes of hard running. After the workout make sure to stretch thoroughly and replenish the body with fluids.

Friday: Today I would recommend a day of 20-30 minutes of cross training for the day. Cross training can consist of biking, swimming, going on the elliptical, etc. The purpose is to let your legs rest from the pounding on the ground and let them recover and heal from yesterday’s workout.

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Final day of the week it is important to get one day of what I like to call a “long run.” This will consist of a run that is generally longer than your normal every day run. Generally I would say for this week keep your long run at about 4-5 miles at a slower than normal pace. The long run is designed to increase aerobic capacity and increase your endurance as well.

That concludes this week’s training segment. Stay tuned throughout the week for more blog posts and updates.

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