Thursday, October 28, 2010

Basic Stretching Guide

So I realized that during the first week's training plan I told people to stretch before and after they run. I decided to make a basic stretching guide to discuss some of the most basic stretching you can perform for your lower body. Some of these stretch you may have performed or heard of before but I think it is very important to know a few basic stretching for before and after workouts.

Standing and Sitting Hamstring Stretch

These two stretches are very common and easy to perform. For the standing hamstring stretch stand with feet touching each other and reach down until you can no longer extend towards the ground. Hold that stretch for about 10 seconds and switch legs by crossing one leg in front of the other and then touching your toes again.

For the Sitting Hamstring Stretch sit up facing forward and extend one leg forward with the other either tucked in front leg or behind the body. Next, you extend your opposite arm forward and reach as far as possible towards the front leg. Hold for 10 seconds and switch.

Quadriceps Stretch

This stretch is also performed standing up and consists of grabbing one leg and tucking it behind your body up against your behind. Hold for 10 seconds and then switch to the other leg.

Calf Stretch

The calf stretch can be most effectively performed by using a wall for assistance. Find a wall and stand within about a foot of the wall and lift the front of your foot and place it against the wall while keeping your heel touching the ground. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and switch.

Groin Stretch

This stretch is more commonly referred to as the butterfly stretch because you are going to sit on the ground Indian style and press your elbows against the top of your knees. Apply enough pressure to push down until you feel a comfortable resistance. Perform for 10 seconds then take a short rest and repeat the stretch.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Lunge forward with one knee on the ground and the other knee in front of your body. Place one hand on your hip and one hand on your knee and lean backwards until resistance is sustained. Perform for 10 to 20 seconds and switch legs.

Back Stretch

Sit on the ground similar to the sitting hamstring stretch with your right leg forward. Take the other leg and tuck it towards your chest and place your foot on the right side of your right leg. Twist your torso so that your right elbow is placed on the left side of your knee and push for resistance. Hold for 10 seconds and switch legs.

Those are just a few stretches that you can incorporate into your training regime. I would recommend always stretching after running and before a workout. However, make sure you warm up first because stretching a cold muscle can lead to injury and other problems. I'll post a few other sights that have addition stretches for anyone interested.

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