Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Campus Mile

So in today's post I will outline one of the most basic runs someone can paretake in on the Marist campus. The run is referred to as the "campus mile" because it entails mostly the entire campus (or at least the freshman sophomore side). This run is very simple and easy to explain. First, head out from Mccann and head towards to football fields. Continue that direction behind Donnelly and continue on that road until you get to the intersection in front of Lowell Thomas. Make a left towards the river and then a quick right turn onto the road in front of the Hancock Center. Then just head down to Gartland and once at Gartland make a loop around the parking lot in back of E block. Once you have done that you have completed the campus mile. If you'd like that the exact same route back to add on an additional mile and also to get back to where you started.

This run is fairly simple and elementary and should not cause too much confusion if you are familiar with campus. When you think about it its basically just start at the Mccann Center and run to Gartland. I will provide the visual outlook of the for those that would like to see the actual run in screen shots. I couldnt get the entire run in one shot but I labeld each building on campus so you can follow the directions as well.

These pictures are for those who are who like a visual image(s) of the "Campus Mile." Like I said before I had to break it down into three different shots because I thought this would provide a better image of the run.

For any confusion MC= Mccann DN= Donnelly LT= Lowell Thomas DY= Dyson G= Gartland

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