Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mid Hudson Bridge

So for the last running location before I start outline training strategies and tips (not the last overall) I would like to introduce a more complex and complicated run that includes the town of Poughkeepsie. This run will include the Mid Hudson Bridge and the roads leading up to this area. If you are afraid or fearsome of heights I would not recommend partaking in this run because the walking lane is directly next to the edge of Hudson River. So from an advisory position because I've run with people who are terrified of heights don't chance it because looking down may be a really bad decision.

Like always starting from Mccann head out towards the south gate and this time make a left south of route 9. You are going to travel down the road until you reach the first exit off of Route 9 (Its really close and if you stay on the left its nearly impossible to pass). Head uphill towards a small walking/driving bridge which will transport you across the railroad beneath. You will now be on North Water Road and continue heading down this road past the lower train station entrance and continue until you reach the first traffic light. At this traffic light make a quick left up the road continued by a quick right onto Rinaldi Blvd. Proceed down Rinaldi for two blocks and at the second block make a left onto Gerald Dr. At this point you will continue up Gerald and on the left side of the road there will be an entrance for walkers/runners to enter onto the bridge. For visual purposes Ill provide a close up of the entrance so reader's can see where it is located. You have arrived at the bridge now its up to personal preference how far you are willing to go across the bridge. Across and back the entire bridge is approximately a little less than a mile and a half making the entire Mid Hudson Bridge run about 4.5 miles. Like all other runs follow the same route back to campus and you will have finished the Mid Hudson Bridge run. As usual I will post the a breakdown of the run in visual format below this post.

I used some letters to indicate roads and the entrance to the bridge to make it a bit more clear. G= Gerald St. Ent= Entrance the Mid Hudson Bridge B=small crossing bridge. Also I did not give the satellite version of certain parts of this run because I thought it would be easier to see the actual names of the roads you were running on since I described them in the post. That concludes the Mid Hudson Bridge run, next week I will outline a training plan with tips, recommendations for runs, and begin posting some healthy meal plans conclusive to runners. 

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