Monday, October 18, 2010

Quiet Cove and other news

Welcome back from a bit of hiatus from posting as I have been busy with midterm papers and tests for all of last week. Today I am going to describe a run encompassing Quiet Cove which is located north on route nine about a 1/2 mile past the North Gate. This run is extremely straight forward an totals just under 3 1/2 miles if you do the entire run. Once again we are starting at the Mccann Center and we are going to head out on Route Nine from the South Gate. Next, and the longest step of the run will consist of you going north on nine past campus eventually to the entrance of the little park area referred to as Quiet Cove. The place is almost impossible to miss because it has a rather large sign outside that reads "Quiet Cove." Turn left into the park and follow the road all the way down the hill and back up towards the entrance. If these directions seem really vague you are essentially doing a loop around the park. Once you've completed the loop head directly back to campus the same way that you arrived at Quiet Cove. Alittle hint about this place it has a rather large hill towards the end so make sure to save up enough energy for this difficult hill. Also there are trails in the back so for any interested in expanding on your run check them out.

 Another few quick notes I woulf like to address in terms of the direction of this blog for this week and the upcoming weeks. I will probably give one more post about a place to run before I start designing training plans and tips for interested people. The reason I have not started so yet is because I wanted to outline a few places to run before I jumped into a complete gameplan and training regiment. I will continue to post different places each week so you vary the location and intensity of your runs. Like last post I will include the visual breakdown of the run so you can look and a study the run before you embark on it.

This last one is just a close up of the entire park because it isnt that clear on the map.

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