Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 4 Training Plan

Week 4

Here we are in our second to last week before race day and during this week we are going to start downgrading the intensity of the training to allow rest and recovery. It is peak season and its time to sharpen up before the race. This week will consist of less mileage and easier shorter workout.

Monday: Today we are going to continue the easy trend and do an easy 4-5 mile run. Kept it simple don't go crazy because tomorrow's workout is the last challenge before the real challenge (the race).

Tuesday: This workout is something referred to as an accelerator run. If your thinking ahead or just mainly alive the term pretty much gives away what your doing. You are going to accelerate as the run goes on into a controlled push. Start at a normal pace and gradually pick up the pace every once and while until you reached this controlled push. I would recommend doing a 4 mile accelerator and about a 1 mile cool down at the end.

Wednesday: Really easy day, 4 miles tops. Good recovery is going to be necessary. I recommend avoiding hills as much as possible as well.

Thursday: OFF no running.

Friday: Final workout of the week and also final workout before the race. Do solid warm up and some stretching before we begin. The workout for today will be a 400-600-800-600-400 meter workout. The pace for each will be slightly faster than the pace of your 5k goal pace. This workout is not that difficult it is just meant to simulate some faster leg turnover than before. Rest will consist of the same time you did your push for. Get a good cool down and some stretching in after you have completed the workout.

Saturday this week will be switched to your long run day. Try to aim to be around 5 miles for the day at a really slow comfortable pace.

Today is either going to be an option of an off day or a cross training day. If you could imagine today is suppose to be a very simple and easy day to let your legs recover. If you do decide to do some form of exercise keep it between 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity.

Well there you have it week 4 is complete and you should be ready to go. Next week will be even simpler than this with lots of recovery and easy mileage. Stay tuned throughout the week for more updates.

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