Thursday, November 11, 2010


This week's run is a running route referred to as "Mariners." This run is essentially an extension of the Mid Hudson Bridge run. It is roughly 6 miles depending on the route you take home. On your way back you can either head back the way you came or head back through Poughkeepsie. For the sake of this blog I will have you go back the same way to avoid confusion.

To start the Mariner's run head out onto Route 9 south towards the Mid-Hudson Bridge. If you don't remember how to reach the bridge refer to my post on the Mid-Hudson Bridge

Proceed to the end of the bridge and once you reach the other side of the river there will be one road veering right which you will head towards (I think it's US 44). Keep going uphill until you reach a sign that will say "Mariner's." The sign will point downhill towards a road which you will proceed to head down. This road is one gigantic spiraling steep downhill so make sure to be careful.

Take this all the way down until you reach the riverfront. You will pop out and see a restaurant called "Mariner's" which is an indication that you are at the bottom of the hill. Make a right and run along the river until you reach the Mid-Hudson Bridge. There are some steps down there to help you climb back up towards the top of the bridge. Once you reach the top again head back across the bridge and towards campus and you will have finished Mariners.

I would advise doing this run on your long days because the run totals about 6 miles if completely finished. Another note I don't think I will be able to put up a picture breakdown for this run because I cant find a 360 view of the sign leading down towards Mariners. Because of this I cant find the downhill road you are suppose to take. However, the sign is very noticeable if you are the left side of the road and the run is very straightforward and easy if you know how to get to the Mid-Hudson Bridge.

So this concludes the run "Mariners." I will post training for next week either Sunday or early Monday but till then good luck with the training.

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